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Ethno-medical and Pharmacological role of PhyllanthusNiruri: A Review

Volume No : (2015) Volume: 03 Issue : 17 Year : 2015 Page No: 650-658

Authors : Onkar Bedi, Vinod Gauttam, Puneet Kumar

Abstract :

Medicinal plants have been considered as a vital therapeutic aid for the treatment of various ailments of humankind like jaundice, ulcers, skin diseases; diabetes, chest pain and urinary complications etc. There are numerous herbs which are used for the treatment of different disorders with reference to their pleiotropic effects. Present review mainly focuson ethno-medicinal uses of Phyllanthusniruri Linn. with reference to their toxicological and pharmacological profile. P. niruri (Euphorbiaceae family) is a small herb having extensive range of medicinal properties due to their naturally occurring phytochemical constituents which is used widely across the world. The major phytochemical constituents of P. niruri are lignans, phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, flavonoids, glycosinoidsand tannins which have a wide range of pharmacological activities like antimicrobial, antiviral, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial and diuretic. Traditionally it was used for eliminating gallstones, kidney stones and also to treaturinary tract infections. The new diagnostic trend of P.nirurifor the treatment of variousliver disorders increases the demand of this herb in the market for developing hepatoprotective medicinal formulations.

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