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Physicochemical property and microbial contamination assessment in marketed herbal preparations

Volume No : (2021) Volume: 09 Issue : 42 Year : 2021 Page No: 25-32

Authors : Farooqui Muzaffar Ahmed, Aquil-ur-rahim Siddiqui

Abstract :

Aim: The study designed to assess the physicochemical properties and bacterial contamination of various herbal medicinal preparations sourced from Indian local market.

Methodology: Standard procedures were carried out for the evaluation of physicochemical properties and contamination in finished herbal preparations. Various tests were performed to assess physical and chemicals properties such as total solid content, alcohol- and water-soluble extractive values, loss of drying,

pH assessment, and moisture level along with microbial contamination. Standard procedures were carried out to assess the pathogenic bacteria in the herbal preparations.

Results: Different test results such as total solid content, alcohol- and water-soluble extractive values, loss of drying, pH assessment, and moisture level are found to within the limits as per pharmacopeia standards. Further, total yeast count and total aerobic viable count are also found to be near the standard values.

No any finished herbal preparation containing pathogenic bacteria.

Conclusion: Hence, herbal preparation shown all physicochemical properties in the limit values of Indian pharmacopoeias further theses herbal medications in Indian local market area are not likely to be contaminated with potentially pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhi, and Staphylococcus aureus). The quality promises of these finished herbal preparations which are according to pharmacopeia standards.

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