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Potential pharmacognostic interventions of Crataeva nurvala: A pharmacological views

Volume No : (2020) Volume: 08 Issue : 39 Year : 2020 Page No: 66-73

Authors : Ganesh S. Tolsarwad, Mahesh M. Biradar, Shrikrushna A. Shinde

Abstract :

Plants are precious for mankind in many ways. From ancient time, Crataeva nurvala was used as an essential herb in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is also known as varuna and belongs to family Capparidacae. C. nurvala is often cultivated throughout India, especially along the streams and riverbanks. It is dispersed in sub-Himalayan tracts and is indigenous to Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. C. nurvala is a moderate-sized deciduous tree with trifoliate leaves, it has many flowers with terminal corymbs, greenish-white in color, and fruits are smooth or scurfy berry with a globose or ovoid shape. Stem bark available in pieces and roots are long, cylindrical in shape. It is leaves, stem bark, and root contains various phytoconstituents such as alkaloids, saponins, triterpenes, tannins, flavonoid glycosides, glucosinolates, and phytosterols. Due to the presence of these phytochemicals, it has various pharmacological activities. Mainly used in urinary disorders such as kidney stones, fever, vomiting and gastric irritation, cytotoxic activity, and contraceptive. It is also useful in diseases such as anti-periodic, waste elimination and breathing and lung problems, fever and metabolic disorders, 

weak immunity, joint lubrication, skin problems, wound healing, memory loss, and heart disease. Bark is used as an appetite stimulant and to decrease the secretion of bile and phlegm according to Unani system of medicine. Laxative, lithontriptic, increase appetite, and biliary secretion type of action are shown by root and bark extraction. When leaves are applied externally, it acts as antirheumatic due

to its rubefacient activity and as febrifuge and tonic.  

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